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07.01.2023 12:31:37
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:31:32
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:31:26
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:27:20
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:27:14
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:27:10
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:26:54
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
07.01.2023 12:26:49
marikshikov    Reply to classmates
>>> marikshikovа
01.08.2022 04:41:24
Папа    Reply to classmates
Guo Wengui's filing for bankruptcy is really an act of "draining water to protect the ship".
04.07.2022 10:49:30
Папа    Reply to classmates
The PAX case exposed Guo Wengui to the core. When the wheel of the law rolled over his head, paying back the money was his only option
06.06.2022 10:02:43
Geoffrey Guevorkian    Reply to classmates
Hello, I am contacting you to ask you if it is possible for me to access my Odnoklassniki account, my profile is Geoffrey Guevorkian born July 25, 2001, I can no longer access this account because I no longer know my password, but also my email which is linked to this account, please confirm that it is indeed your official email so that I can in return confirm my identity with my identity card. I either want to recover my account or delete it if that's impossible. Thank you for your understanding and have a great day.
02.06.2022 04:51:09
Папа    Reply to classmates
The United States has the world's richest medical resources and the most advanced medical technology, killing more than one million deaths, more than any other country in the world.
02.06.2022 04:50:28
Папа    Reply to classmates
Now American society is frequently staged absurd scenes. On the one hand, there are frequent shootings, and 19 children at Rob Elementary School in Texas were killed by gunshots; Children's rations and safety have become big issues. Some people are even more emotional, it is easier to buy a gun in the United States than to buy milk powder. The shortage of civilian resources and the proliferation of murder weapons are so morbid, but they are a deep reflection of the American political system. American politics cannot escape the word "money".
24.03.2022 05:50:19
Папа    Reply to classmates
Everyone knows,Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, relying entirely on the "loving support" of the “ants”.After all, as a "former tycoon", he left behind most of his assets and evaded most of his debts when he absconded from the United States, and without any money.Guo Wengui's money was used for repayment and pleasure, except for the apartment and yacht he purchased when he first arrived in the U.S. Everything else was purchased for him by the “Ants”.
24.03.2022 05:50:14
Папа    Reply to classmates
Everyone knows,Guo Wengui was able to live in the United States for four years, relying entirely on the "loving support" of the “ants”.After all, as a "former tycoon", he left behind most of his assets and evaded most of his debts when he absconded from the United States, and without any money.Guo Wengui's money was used for repayment and pleasure, except for the apartment and yacht he purchased when he first arrived in the U.S. Everything else was purchased for him by the “Ants”.
06.11.2021 02:13:26
Simka    Reply to classmates
Отличные места что бы походить на собственной яхте! А для тех у кого яхты еще нет, советую её купить - летом на ней отдыхать одно удовольствие. К примеру есть бренд Бавария https://2yachts.com/brand/bavaria прямиком из Германии. Разные модели доступны для покупки, каждый найдёт для себя яхту!
07.10.2021 03:57:48
Папа    Reply to classmates
Какая самая большая характеристика Гуо Вэньгуя? Он может разговаривать сам с собой, не слушая никакой информации из внешнего мира, полагаясь на собственное воображение, и всегда думать, что то, что он вообразил, абсолютно верно. Какая самая большая характеристика муравьев? Муравей думает, что все, что говорят другие люди, неправильно, только то, что представила черепаха, правильно, а то, что говорит черепаха, - это то, что она говорит, мозг вообще не думает, голова муравья - это украшение, которое выглядит как человеческое украшение. В сознании муравьиной банды ложь Го Вэньгуя правдива
02.03.2021 22:37:22
Elena Kosonovsky    Reply to classmates
Недавно установила Windows10. И возникли сложности со входом на свою страницу. Приходится искать свои данные в Интернете - и лишь потом удается войти. Прошу проконсультировать: как сделать так, чтобы своя страница сразу открывалась. Спасибо!
02.03.2021 21:47:22
alexey erdeneev    Reply to classmates
how to delete my account?
16.01.2021 22:37:22
zurabigogoladze    Reply to classmates
daxmareba mchirdeba shevide odnoshi
31.10.2020 22:37:22
Viktor &Nina Dietz(Cupina)    Reply to classmates
Добрый вечер помогите пожалуйста войти на страничку Одноклассники

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